ZeroLandfill Atlanta 2022
Aug 12, 2022
9:00 am—11:00 am
Presented by IIDA Georgia Chapter
Sponsored by ADAC
In the design and construction industry, we find ourselves creating a lot of waste from expired or unused materials collected in our finish libraries that inevitably make their way to the landfill. So, IIDA asked, “why not re-purpose or up-cycle these materials back into our community?” Once unwanted materials can be re-purposed into works of art and materials for educators, non-profit associations, artists, crafters, and more.
IIDA Georgia has partnered with Wilsonart and IMA Corporate Interiors to bring the ZeroLandfill event to Atlanta for the 8th year. In the first seven years of ZeroLandfill Atlanta, they have helped upcycle 280,000 pounds of discontinued architectural and interior design samples.
Please bring any discontinued or unwanted samples to the loading dock at ADAC on Friday, August 12th. Fabric bolts and memos, wallcovering, tile, flooring, and more are all accepted materials. The mission is to re-purpose and upcycle these materials by offering them to Atlanta’s community of educators, artists, and crafters at no cost.
Donations are also accepted on one of our drop off days, Wednesday, August 10th & Friday, August 12th from 3:00 PM until 6:00 PM at Officeworks.
The donated samples can then be “shopped“ Saturday, August 13 from 8 AM – noon at Officeworks, 1811 Marietta Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA 30318.
ADAC, Loading Dock