Digital Day at ADAC
Mar 11, 2020
9:00 am—3:30 pm
Presented by Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles
Sponsored by Kravet Inc, Made Goods, Ernest Gaspard & Associates
At its core, the design business is about human connection and responding to the way people live and experience space. In today’s world, technology has created a landscape of “digital-first” consumers who are researching designers, brands, and products in a depersonalized vacuum. Digital Day at ADAC is here to teach you how to infuse the human element back into the process. Leading experts share how to strengthen the influence of your digital brand, reveal the most current “best practices” on all of the top social platforms, and provide an understanding of how evolving technologies are changing the business of design so you can convert your virtual brand into human interactions and profitable projects.
9 – 9:30 AM
Made Goods, Suite 403
9:30 – 10:30 AM
2020: The Year of the Nano Design influencer
Adam Japko, CEO Esteem Media, Inc.
One week before Digital Day at ADAC, the 2020 Design Influencers Conference celebrates the confluence of its own 10th anniversary and the global embrace of the NANO-INFLUENCER. Adam will provide the top takeaways from the previous week’s Design Influencer Conference and will help uncover your own opportunity within the luxury home design industry’s powerful nano-influencer wave. You will get tips on how to embrace and leverage your’s and others’ influence, online and offline, for business outcomes.
ADAC Presentation Room, First Floor Atrium
10:45 – 11:45 AM
Pinning for Success: Grow your Business with Pinterest
Kyla Herbes, Blogger & Content Creator, House Of Hipsters
Get ready to roll up your sleeves and grow your business with Pinterest. Learn how to attract your ideal audience, grow your following, gain a social presence, and ultimately increase traffic and sales to your website. A few years ago, Kyla threw her focus into Pinterest and grew her following organically from 2,000 to over 195,000 followers, and now Pinterest is the biggest traffic driver to her website. You can do this too if you know the right steps to take…and Kyla is here to help you master this platform. In this class you’ll learn how to: set up your account properly using SEO, design a pin and promote even if you don’t have a blog, schedule pins, and understand the benefits of insights and analytics.
ADAC Presentation Room, First Floor Atrium
1:15 – 2:15 PM
A New Decade of Social Media Trends
Shayla Copas, Designer/Author/Influencer/Product Designer, Shayla Copas Interiors
Shayla Copas, Influencer, Author, Designer and Product Designer will take the audience through changes in social media for the new decade and teach how they can be applied to every design business. Learn about trending apps to make social media easier to tackle as well as changes that are taking place as we enter the new decade. The Four Season of Entertaining author will take you through her triumphs in the social world as well as the obstacles that she has faced building her brand through social.
ADAC Presentation Room, First Floor Atrium
2:30 – 3:30 PM
Our New Consumer: Understanding the Millennial Designer and Their Digital-First Client
Erinn Valencich, CEO & Founder, StyleRow. Owner, Erinn V. Design Group & ERINN V. furniture
In the age of speed of information, digital readiness in business takes on a whole new meaning. But, how did we get here? More importantly, where are we going?
Learning Points:
- Understanding the psychology of our rapidly evolving Client
- What does it mean to be digitally-ready as a business? Clients expect instant answers on pricing and lead time. How to become a digitally ready with your internal process
- How to increase your referrals: Designers can improve the transparency into their projects so their clients are happier and more at ease, and in turn offer more referrals
- How designers can connect with a better clientele on social platforms like LinkedIn
- What it means to be in a service business and understanding that as a designer, you’re in sales
ADAC Presentation Room, First Floor Atrium