50 Years & Growing with Charlotte Moss

May 7, 2025
7:00 pm

Sponsored by ADAC


Please join Cherokee Garden Library at Atlanta History Center to welcome Charlotte Moss as a member of the Cherokee Garden Library National Council as they celebrate 50 years of collecting, conserving, and presenting their resources, and serving communities.

A renowned interior designer Charlotte will lead the audience on a fascinating journey. Travel the world through her eyes and explore the small intimate gestures of gardens near and far. From her home in Virginia to Italian villas, French chateaus, and through the Irish countryside, she will share her musings, influences, and inspirations.

All net proceeds of the event will support the acquisition of a seminal rare book for the Cherokee Garden Library, further advancing their nationally recognized collection. 


Book signing and cocktail reception to follow, featuring music by Joe Gransden in the Allen Atrium






Atlanta History Center

130 West Paces Ferry Road, NW

Atlanta, Ga 30305
