At Home in France with Timothy Corrigan

Sep 24, 2024
10:00 am

Keynote Presentation

Sponsored by VERANDA and Perennials Sutherland Studio

 Acclaimed Los Angeles-based designer Timothy Corrigan has restored and reinvigorated some of France’s most notable properties, from Parisian apartments to grand country chateaus. In conversation with VERANDA Executive Editor Ellen McGauley, the unabashed Francophile-whose clients include European and Middle Eastern royalty, Hollywood celebrities, and corporate leaders-shares trials and triumphs of renovating these historic properties and more of the fascinating journey that inspired Timothy’s latest book, At Home in France: Inspiration and Style in Town and Country.

ADAC Presentation Room | First Floor Atrium

Following the presentation, please join Timothy and Ellen at Perennials Sutherland Studio for a reception. Copies of Timothy’s new book, At Home in France: Inspiration and Style in Town and Country will be available for signing.

Perennials Sutherland Studio | Suite 227


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