ADAC Webinar: Sherwin-Williams Series

May 7—14, 2020

Trade Only 

0.1 CEU 

Presented by Sherwin-Williams  


ADAC and AmericasMart have teamed up with Sherwin-Williams to craft a series of weekly CEUs designed to teach the trade about the latest advancements in paint.  From the foundations of color theory and new paint technologies that are creating healthier homes to universal design and environments that support peace of mind, Sherwin Williams is teaching essential information that designers can apply to projects of any size and scope. You are invited to join us each week to delve into a different topic….and earn CEUs from home.

Sign up today for any or all of the offerings listed below:


Thursday, May 7 | 1:00 PM 

ADAC Webinar: Universal Design for Independent Living

Explore how to incorporate independent living strategies into your design concepts, as well as the impact of color, sheen, and lighting on aging eyes



Thursday, May 14 | 1:00 PM 

ADAC Webinar: Color, Light & Metamerism

Explore principles of color and light, their effect on each other in the built environment, and how they apply to interiors


